David Brooke Wetzel
What’s this about?
I’m using this space to keep track of stuff I’ve been working on and some thoughts on various topics.
Sound of Silent Film 2025
more …: Sound of Silent Film 2025Sound of Silent Film is coming on April 2, 2025 at the Music Box Theater in Chicago. You can check out the event details at acmusic.org. As technical director for ACM, I’ll be putting together click tracks for the musicians once I get the scores from the composers. I also run the films during our…
Songs About Buildings and Moods, S2
more …: Songs About Buildings and Moods, S2ACM’s documentary series is now streaming on PBS.org and broadcasting from PBS affiliates around the country. Season 2 is now available! ACM has a web site with info about the series: https://songsaboutbuildingsandmoods.com/watch/ You can also stream the series on PBS: https://www.pbs.org/show/songs-about-buildings-and-moods/ Locations for this one include Detroit, Chicago, New York, Mexico City, and Mansfield, OH.…
My Research
more …: My ResearchThis category is going to cover my academic research in the area of music technology
Hello world!
more …: Hello world!This is a complete overhaul of my personal web presence. I’m working on setting up a new version of my site with an organization scheme that better reflects the way my life and career have evolved since 2014 when I moved home to Chicago. It’s a long story …